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Man in black stand in bamboo forest against orange sunrise backdrop, with man watching on knees.
Man in top hat stands on pedestal with soldier crouching on sandbags below, surrounded by columns and backlit by lavender sunrise.
Red-headed woman sits on floor near playing boy, with mill wheel and blue sunrise behind.
Forest of plexiglass columns painted in swirling light, against mill wheel and red sunrise behind.
Woman in grey dress addresses aproned women in garden plot, in front of mill wheel and lavender sky.
Barefooted man in plexiglass forest gesticulates to passing boat revellers upstage.
Woman in grey dress stands beside kneeling man before plexiglass forest and pale blue sunrise.
Man in black stands over man behind sandbags, against mill wheel and orange sunrise.
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Pacific Opera Victoria

Cast & Creative

Alban Berg
Wim Trompert
Timothy Vernon
Set & Costume Designer
Leslie Frankish
Lighting Designer
Robert Thomson
  • Benoit Boutet
  • Theodore Baerg
  • Terence Mireau
  • Jean Stilwell
  • Marion Newman
  • Terry Hodges
  • John David de Haan
David Cooper