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Older man in waistcoat thumps dust from book in front of strong shaft of light.
Older man in waistcoat and sneakers peers into desk drawer in a pool of light.
Older man in waistcoat and sneakers stands under handing lamp in front of desk eating banana.
Starkly lit man in closet reaches for light pull-chain, foregrounded by desk under hanging lamp.
Older man in waistcoat sits at desk reaching for reel-to-reel tape recorder.
Close-up of scruffy older man at desk leaning on reel-to-reel tape recorder.
Scuffy older man in waistcoat stands fingers poised on desk under bright light.
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Krapp's Last Tape

Goodman Theatre

Cast & Creative

Samuel Beckett
Jennifer Tarver
Set Designer
Eugene Lee
Costume Designer
Patrick Clark
Lighting Designer
Robert Thomson
Sound Designer
Richard Woodbury
Production Stage Manager
Joseph Drummond
Stage Manager
T. Paul Lynch
  • Brian Dennehy